1 March 2016

Comfrey The ‘Miracle’ Healing Herb/Why Was It Banned?

Just why has Comfrey, Symphytum officinale, become a forgotten herb?  Its value as a healing medicine has been recorded over a long period of time.  It has a long arm of proven efficacy as a healer of burns, a soother of the digestive tract, a strengthener of the teeth,  a healer of broken bones, and is a great tonic for falling hair and brittle nails.  And this is why Comfrey was known as The ‘Miracle’ herb.
Comfrey is high in Silica, which is a healing component.  Another aid to healing in Comfrey is the component Allantoin, which is a cell-proliferant. A cell-proliferant encourages the cells of the body to grow again:  bone growth, skin repair, and hair and nail growth are all affected beneficially by the Allantoin in  Comfrey, as well as its abundant silica.   And Comfrey has Mucilage, a slimy material which helps healing.   This means that Comfrey, with its Allantoin and Silica, and Mucilage, and Vitamins, is truly a ‘Miracle Herb’.   Comfrey can heal just about anything.
