30 October 2015

Brain Tumor News: Brain cancer drug approved for NZ

A cancer drug that could prolong the lives of people with aggressive brain tumours has been approved for use in New Zealand.
Wellington neurosurgeon Kelvin Woon applied to Medsafe to have Gliolan made available after noting its benefits for patients in the United Kingdom. The drug will be used for malignant brain tumours known as glioblastoma multiforme, or GBM, by causing them to light up and become fluorescent during surgery.


Cannabis Oil Cures 3 Year Old Boy Of Cancer After Doctors ...

A young boy named Landon Riddle was diagnosed with Leukemia, and was told by his doctors that he only had an 8-10% chance of living for more than a day or two.
His whole chest was full of leukemia tumors, which is why he couldn’t breathe. They started him on chemo, but told us that he probably wasn’t going to make it,” his mother, Sierra Riddle said.
After two months of Chemotherapy, Landon became sick and would refuse to eat. According to his mother, he would vomit up to 50 times a day, and the doctors eventually lost hope, seeing no other solution than Chemotherapy.


Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer:

The recent focus of the group has been to understand the molecular events that are occurring as HDGC stomach cancers develop and progress. By understanding these events we will be better placed to identify 
(i) the reasons and triggers that underlie the variable age of onset in HDGC families (ii) which drugs may be effective in treatment and (iii) possible drugs which can be used to prevent cancer development (chemoprevention).

Get The Tools - The Nuts & Bolts of Men's Health

Welcome to the bloke’s place – where you can access the latest A-Z of NZ men's health information & tools.  We want kiwi blokes to live healthier lives & celebrate more birthdays with their family & friends, so welcome to GTT, "The nuts & bolts of mens health"


Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer is responsible for approximately 3% of all malignancies diagnosed in New Zealand each year. Bladder cancer is more common in men than women and typically affects people over 60 years of age. The main risk factor for this disease is cigarette smoking.
Nearly all are transitional cell cancers (arising from the inner lining cells of the bladder). Rarer bladder tumours include adenocarcinoma (usually arising from the urachus) and squamous cancer (associated with chronic inflammation and schistosomiasis).


Lung Cancer | Asthma Foundation New Zealand

Lung Cancer What is it? Our bodies are made up of tiny cells, which normally repair and reproduce themselves. Sometimes, however, they develop in an abnormal way forming lumps or tumours. Lung cancer is cancer of some of the cells in part of the lungs, usually beginning in the lining of the airway.
Primary lung cancer is cancer that originated or started in the lungs. Secondary lung cancer is cancer that has started somewhere else in the body (bowel or breast for instance) and spread to the lungs.


Twelve Key Points from the Alcohol & Cancer Conference

Hosted by Alcohol Action NZ and Cancer Society of NZ, Te Papa 17 June 2015
1. In 1988, the World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Cancer Research scheduled alcohol (ethyl alcohol, ethanol) as a Group 1 carcinogen – an agent for which there is sufficient evidence to assert it directly causes cancer.
2. The degree of public awareness about the link between alcohol and cancer in New Zealanders is not known. In Canada, public awareness of the link between alcohol and cancer has slowly increased from 21% in 1996 to 36% in 2012, and education level did not predict awareness of the link.


Sunbeds – Consumer NZ and Cancer Society call for ban

Consumer NZ and the Cancer Society are calling for an outright ban on commercial sunbeds. Although both organisations support amendments to the Health (Protection) Amendment Bill banning the provision of sunbed services to under-18s, they argue the ban does not go far enough.
Consumer has been surveying sunbed businesses for over a decade and found many operators ignoring – or unaware of – the safety guidelines of the voluntary standard (AS/NZ 2635:2008 Solaria for cosmetic purposes). This standard was revised in 2008 following concerns from health groups and the community about the increased risks to users of sun-tanning appliances. It:


Chemical mix may trigger cancer

Common chemicals that people are routinely exposed to may be mixing together in the body to cause cancer, researchers say.  Chemicals deemed safe to humans may blend lethally together inside the human body to cause cancer, a high-profile scientific taskforce has ruled.
Researchers, including New Zealand scientist Dr Linda Gulliver, have released findings into possible links between common chemicals and the development of cancer. Their results, published in the journal Carcinogenesis, show mixtures of chemicals used in our environment may be acting in concert with each other inside the body to trigger the deadly disease.


29 October 2015

Lung cancer

Lung cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the lungs. If left untreated, it can spread beyond the lungs into nearby tissue or other parts of the body. Smoking is the main cause of lung cancer. Smoking is the single main avoidable cause of lung cancer. It is not known why one smoker develops lung cancer and another does not. Up to 90% of lung cancer is caused by smoking.
Lung cancer occurs most often in adults between the ages of 40 and 70 who have smoked cigarettes for at least 20 years. They are also likely to have started smoking as teenagers. Second-hand smoking (passive smoking) may also cause lung cancer. However, as with many cancers, we do not know the cause in all cases.


HPV and throat cancer

Recently many people have become aware of information in the media suggesting that there is a link between human papilloma virus (HPV), that might be transmitted by oral sex, and some cancers in the throat. Little is known about the natural history of oropharyngeal (throat) HPV but it is an area of rapidly emerging new knowledge.
This information will be updated as new evidence is available. The answers to the following frequently asked questions are to help you understand what is known and what is not yet clear.


Cancer - leading cause of death among females

The leading cause of death in 1995 for females was cancer (all types), which accounted for 26 percent of all deaths. Although female age-standardised rates for cancer are lower than for males, female rates have increased by 5 percent over the last ten years, while male rates have dropped 3 percent.
Breast cancer was the leading cause of cancer death for females in 1995 (25.5 deaths per 100,000 population) and although numbers of deaths have increased by 21 percent over the last decade, age-standardised rates have increased by only 2 percent.


Cancer Cover Insurance

When it comes to health and wellbeing, one of the most common fears people have is getting sick from cancer. Cigna can help you prepare with Cigna Cancer Cover.
It's insurance that will provide you with a lump sum, tax free payment upon diagnosis.  This means you’ll have extra funds to cover any shortfalls as a result of your treatment. Apply online now or find out below how you can benefit from Cigna Cancer Cover.


Blood, Cancer and Palliative Care Services in New Zealand

Treatment for cancer services in the New Zealand public health system is delivered from six District Health Boards - Auckland, Waikato, MidCentral, Capital and Coast, Canterbury and Southern.
Most cancer centres operate as integrated departments delivering cancer services across the following disciplines: medical oncology, haematology and radiation oncology. Linkages with hospital and community based palliative care teams are strong in all regions.


Melanoma New Zealand

Welcome to our website. Melanoma New Zealand (formerly known as the Melanoma Foundation of New Zealand) is a registered charitable trust devoted to issues relating to melanoma.
Our mission is to prevent avoidable deaths from melanoma and alleviate anxiety among those affected by it. Search the Melanoma section for information about prevention, diagnosis, treatment of melanoma and more.


Skin cancer. DermNet NZ

The majority of skin cancer can be prevented by careful sun protection, including sunscreens, from an early age. Taking nicotinamide (vitamin B3) can reduce the numbers of nonmelanoma skin cancers. Skin cancers are detected early by regular self skin examination and skin checks by a trained health practitioner. Mole mapping and dermoscopy may be of benefit to those with many or atypical moles.
People who have had a nonmelanoma or keratinocyte skin cancer (BCC or SCC) are at increased risk of further skin cancer, melanoma and internal cancers in the future. This risk is particularly marked in younger people and in people that have any form of immune deficiency or immune suppression.


CanTeen | Supporting young people living with cancer

An eye twitch at just two years old led to five long months of tests and scans for Eilish. Years of treatment for Optic and Hypothalamic Glioma has meant she’s missed a lot of school and felt very isolated from people her own age. 
Today, although living with significant side effects including blindness caused by her tumour, Eilish is embracing life with her fellow CanTeeners and is hopeful for her future.


Testicular Cancer NZ

Testicular cancer is the most common cancer affecting men between the ages of 15 and 39, but the disease also occurs in other age groups, so all men should be aware of its symptoms. While testicular cancer is common among young men, young men typically do not get a lot of cancer, so overall testicular cancer is a relatively rare disease.
Men with testicular cancer have to make vitally important decisions about types of treatment. They may also have to make important choices and adjustments to enjoy a full life. To do this they need relevant and current information to help them make the decision that is best for them. While it is not our role to give you medical advice, we will guide you to the most appropriate information available.


13 October 2015

Bowel cancer is New Zealand’s cancer

Welcome to Bowel Cancer New Zealand, a national charity for people and their families/whānau affected by bowel cancer. We are working to raise awareness of symptoms, promote early diagnosis and encourage fair and affordable access to treatment for you.
Request a bowel screen test kit. NZ does not have a government-funded nationwide bowel screening programme. All NZers aged 50+ who do not have symptoms or a family history of bowel cancer are encouraged to undertake bowel cancer screening.


Useful links - Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand

There are many websites offering information on leukaemia and related blood conditions, and some have extensive information on the medical facts about bone marrow-related conditions. This section contains links to some of those websites.
The list is by no means exhaustive and Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand is in no way responsible or liable for the content or suitability of any of these sites.


Welcome to Domain Lodge A Great Place to Stay in Auckland

This is where my husband Brian and myself... stayed for about six weeks... while he was having treatment... for cancer... it was so relaxing... and we enjoyed ever minute of our stay there... while we were there... it was free for Brian and for one support person being myself...  Ann
Domain Lodge is a modern and welcoming motor lodge conveniently located in the central city and is an ideal choice for corporate or leisure, especially those visiting Auckland University, Starship and Auckland Hospitals or the vibrant and trendy restaurant and shopping districts of Parnell and Newmarket.
More than a motel, Domain Lodge will feel like your home away from home with the best of Auckland at your doorstep. Its tranquil garden setting is a haven offering security and comfort after a busy day in the city. We are proud of our guest facilities and look forward to welcoming you soon. You are assured of a high standard of friendly service and attention.


Get The Tools - The Nuts & Bolts of Men's Health

Welcome to the bloke’s place – where you can access the latest A-Z of NZ men's health information & tools.  We want kiwi blokes to live healthier lives & celebrate more birthdays with their family & friends, so welcome to GTT, "The nuts & bolts of mens health"


New Zealand Cancer Society

Today 60 New Zealanders will hear the words “you have cancer” If you or someone you care about has cancer, if you want to help provide support, or reduce your own risk of cancer  – you have come to the right place. At Cancer Society, we know how a cancer diagnosis can affect every aspect of your life and we are here to help you through.
Cancer Society can help you get to your medical appointments, or provide accommodation if you live far away from hospital. Our specialist nurses can support you through your treatment and answer any questions you have – big or small. And if you want to talk – we are here to listen. 

No one should face cancer alone… with Cancer Society here, you won’t have to.


Symptoms of Prostate Problems

Many men begin to have problems with their prostate as they get older. Most problems are caused by simple enlargement of the prostate, but a few are caused by cancer. Usually the first sign of trouble is with passing urine. A man may notice one or more of the following symptoms:
  • trouble getting the flow of urine started, especially if in a hurry
  • trouble stopping the flow of urine (“dribbling”)
  • the stream of urine is weak, or it stops and starts
  • needing urgently to pass urine at any time
  • feeling a need to pass urine more often during the day, even though not much comes out
  • getting up at night to pass urine more than once
  • feeling a need to pass more urine, even though none comes out
  • pain and/or burning when passing urine; this may be a sign of infection

The New Zealand Breast Cancer Education programme

The New Zealand Breast Cancer Education programme delivers an effective breast cancer and breast awareness Education programme.
The programme increases community awareness and understanding of breast cancer and breast health awareness and aims to:
•    increase the number of women over 40 who have mammograms
•    improve information about breast cancer
•    to increase awareness of risks and lifestyle choices 
•    Reach out to at risk communities – Maori and Pacific Islanders
•    Raise knowledge of risk factors for breast cancer
