29 February 2016

Gout Causes and the Symptoms of Gout

There are many gout causes and gout symptoms that are linked to gout but it is normally attributed to a higher level of uric acid in the body which over time if not expelled sufficiently, forms needle like crystals in the joints. If you suffer from gout your body at times can’t expel the uric acid effectively and this build-up of uric acid creates the condition called Gout, Gouty Arthritis or Tophi.
Uric acid is a metabolic end product following the digestion of purines found in most foods. As uric acid crystallizes in the joints, it produces needle-like formations that begin tearing into the synovial fluid sacks and cartilage. People who suffer with gout usually either overproduce uric acid or under excrete it. In severe cases a person may fall into both categories, causing severe gout attacks over and over again
